Rylio is a small, family based kennel registered in FCI. All our dogs first of all are spoiled and beloved family members and just then they are show or working weimaraners. Our journey in weimaraners began in 2006 with our import from Australia - Waldwiese Silver N Jazz aka Uoga, she is a base of our bloodline and we could never get better start than her. She is excepsional representative of the breed - we were really lucky to have her lines here in Europe. Uoga had already left her steps in show rings wininng many BOB's, BIG's and BIS placements. She is also very passionate hunting dog that shows a good speed, steady point, is great land and water retriever, as well as is exceptional tracking dog. In 2012 we kept a girl from our C litter after Uoga and Raf - Rylio CU Later Alligator aka Pupa cause she was singelton puppy born, and we just could not part with her. Having combined best American and Australian blood she prooved herself not only as great looker taking PUPPY BIS-1 at her first show ever, but also beeing exceptional working dog with great skills and birdyness. Having whole packadge she is great addition to our kennel! In the summer of 2013 we kept girl from last Uogas litter after Work CH as well as multi show titled sire, as she was showing most hunting instincts and had a great confirmation - Rylio Dazzling Summer Glory.
Our main aim and purpose is weimaraner that is beautiful in body and mind, the dog that can be great family dog together being show star and would show passion in fields. © photo by Bartosz Goraus |